
Would you put these 10 creepy plants in your garden?

6. Gympie-Gympie Tree (Dendrocnide moroides)

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This plant looks so innocent, but touch it even the slightest way and you could throw up in agony. The gympie-gympie tree is the most toxic of the Australian species of stinging trees. What’s really creepy about the gympie-gympie is that they look like harmless plants and blend in with their surroundings.

The plant has many tiny silicon stinging hairs on its leaves, stems, and fruits that are shaped like hypodermic needles which penetrate the skin and releases a painful toxin called moroidin. Those who have come in contact with this plant are said to have felt both a burning and an “electrical” stinging sensation at the same time.

Written by KM Viray

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