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Top 10 suspected financial scams according to SEC

4. Hyper Program International Direct Sales (HPI Direct Sales and Trading Corp.)


This company invites people through the social media to invest in cosmetics and health and wellness products by promising huge returns of up to 30 to 35% of their investment in a span of 40 to 45 days.

newly registered marketing company in the Philippines, HPI was supposedly created to help people and change lives and to provide infinite growth and possibilities to its members through their unique top-of-the-line products. Unfortunately, the company failed to get the required licenses and registration to operate, thus having SEC issue a warning against investing in the company.

Written by KM Viray

Government employee from 8 to 5. Writer in between hours. Mom all day everyday.

One Comment

  1. “This scam entices…”?? Is its proven that Success 200 is a scam? Know ur facts. Success 200 is not an investing company the method used in selling product is called multi level marketing.



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