
LOOK: Controversial Wedding Photo Is Actually Suggested by the Bride’s Mom

  • Controversial wedding photo went viral online
  • Bride’s mom suggested the controversial wedding photo’s concept

Aren’t wedding photos supposed to filled with sanctity and decency? Well, for this couple, breaking the stigma could mean a thing or two.

You’ll be the judge

Uhmm.. do you see something? Can you tell me what’s happening?

To help you out, here’s a zoomed-in version where you can actually see the bride giving her husband-to-be a blowjob. In the woods, surrounded by the leafy trees and romantic setting. Many were shocked and angered by this picture.

So, here’s a little story behind it. The photographer (whose watermark is on the photo), Michel Klooster told BuzzFeed that the concept was actually suggested by the mom’s bride!

This revelation made it even worse. #Shookt! Can you keep up with this facts? Anyway, just to let you breathe, here’s an aerial view of the shot.

The dutch couple, on the other hand, decided to stay anonymous. After all, their faces were barely shown in the photos. The two actually thought that it was a funny idea.

“Anyone who considers this offensive is in my eyes still in the year 1996. Give those people their fun. Life is a prude,” photographer Michel Klooster said on a Facebook post.

Here’s a milder version of what we have seen above. This kind of delivered some artistic touch, a way better version of their ‘blow job’ stint.

What do you think guys? Share us your thoughts!

Written by Denis Santos

A Journalism student who considers nature as his second home. Likes to travel on a budget, and believes tofu and nuggets come hand in hand.

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