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WATCH: Vandal misspells message for President Obama

Despite the existence of the Anti-Vandalism Act of 2010, vandalism is still prevalent in the country.

The 2015 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit, an event hosted by the country which will be attended by various leaders from around the world, has attracted Filipino protesters to express their strong opposition, particularly to U.S. President Barack Obama.

Instead of joining protesters in the streets, an unidentified man decided to express his negative sentiments towards U.S. President Obama by vandalizing the wall of a bridge in Quiapo.

Unfortunately, the man failed miserably in getting his message across as he misspelled the word “welcome” in the statement “Obama not welcome.” Funnier still, his attempt to correct his mistake was caught on video.

Netizen Dodit Lacson Jr captured the hilarious act on video and shared it on his Facebook account. As of this writing, the video has almost 5,000 shares and over 3,000 likes on Facebook.

In the caption he wrote: “Sa tinagal-tagal ko nang nakakakita ng mga Vandals, I oftentimes wonder kung anong oras sila sumasalisi? Today, I’m thrilled to have caught one on the act… kaso kuya WRONG SPELLING WRONG KA! hahaha

Watch the hilarious footage below.

Written by Team DailyPedia is created to carry on the very purpose of writing and reading online--- and that is to be connected to the world.

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