A man from Haining City in Zhejiang, China experienced some bad luck one after another in the most disgusting way.
The man was pulling up his trousers after he had just finished doing a No. 2 when his smartphone fell into the toilet bowl after it slipped out from his pocket. Determined to get the phone back, he dunked his arm into the poop-filled bowl not minding the stinky excrement that was only inches away from his face, says Mirror.

The man had to wait for hours to be released from this disgusting situation.
And as if that wasn’t bad enough, his arm got stuck in the toilet pipe and he had to wait until someone came in to call for help. The responding firefighters had to break the ceramic bowl and it took them about an hour to finally release the man from the pipe.

The pipe where the man’s arm got stuck in.
And the worst part is that besides a humiliating experience and a red and swollen limb, the guy was not able to retrieve his brand new mobile phone.

All he got was an extremely horrid smell and a swollen arm.
“My arm was stuck there and waste kept spewing out towards my face. It made me really sick.
“I just bought the phone so it really hurt to lose it so soon.
“But had I known the consequences, I would have never plunged my hand inside to try and get it.”
If the same situation were to happen to you, would you have done the same? Type your comments below.