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Now Hiring! Eight Executioners needed to Behead Criminals in Saudi Arabia

According to Amnesty International figures, Saudi Arabia or the Islamic kingdom is among the top five countries in the world putting convicted criminals to death. The crime rate in Saudi Arabia has significantly increased by 102% since 2012.

In 2014, Human Rights Watch (HRW) recorded that about 88 convicted criminals were beheaded because of murder, terrorism, drug trafficking, rape and robbery.

Now the Islamic Kingdom is hiring and recruiting eight (8) executioners to carry out the increasing number of executions through public beheading.

Photo Credit: Starrfmonline
Photo Credit: Starrfmonline

The job is classified as ” religious functionaries” at a lower civil scale. No special qualification needed for someone whose main job is to behead convicts, perform amputations for lesser cases, and other task in similar cases.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) said that about half of those sentenced to death are from Saudi Arabia and the others were from other ten (10) Asian counrties and including the Philippines.

Photo Credit: Tribune
Photo Credit: Tribune

Saudi authorities are silent about why the executions have increased. However, some diplomats think that it is because authorities are clearing the backlog of appeal cases being heard.


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