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Social Sharing: A Solution To Weight Loss

For those who don’t have time to hit the gym but still want to shed those extra pounds, this article is for you.

A study was discovered that while physically working out can give you the body shape you want, chatting with friends online can also help you lose weight.

It is believed that sharing your weight loss journey with friends is the foundation of at least two major weight loss plans, as reported by Mirror. However, the idea of online social chatting is always overlooked.

Researchers observed the number of friends people had, the number of times they posted on social media, and how long they stayed on the network.

Results revealed that individuals who have friends online, stay longer hours on the site (referred to as “embedded”) and update their status frequently lost more weight than those who did not.


The authors of the study said,

Our study provides the first rigorous demonstration that embeddedness in an online social network of individuals aiming to control their weight correlates with members’ weight loss, above and beyond the benefits of adherence to self-monitoring or simply having friends per se. 

With this finding, they are hoping that doctors will eventually consider the idea and recommend to their patients the use of social networking sites to get rid of unnecessary body fats.

Written by Team DailyPedia is created to carry on the very purpose of writing and reading online--- and that is to be connected to the world.

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