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Donate Your Hair-Cuts Against Cancer

Donate Your Hair Today – Cuts Against Cancer is different from any other cancer organizations and hospitals in USA, Canada, Australia, Europe and other countries that have a good social, medical government helping system, this organization is helping by donating high quality medical wigs for kids and woman with cancer in countries where people can’t afford to buy wigs and social and medical system can’t help them. Donate Your Hair Today takes it very personal to help kids and woman with cancer in countries where people can’t afford to buy wigs. Each hair donation can add new hope for the recipient. It is also the chance to add smiles on their faces.

Cancer. The word alone takes your breath away. It is such a staggering epidemic, that the sheer number of people affected by the disease is as heartbreaking as it is mystifying. As we slowly learn more about what causes cancer, we also begin to learn more about preventive measures. Chemotherapy is somehow like a venom that will kill good and bad cells in the body and eventually lead to losing hair. Surviving the cancer with baldness sometimes lead to losing self esteem to survivor especially facing the cruelty of losing the crowning glory of every woman.

Because of that, Donate Your Hair Today team share their help by conducting Cuts Against Cancer. The aim is to collect hair from different volunteers and give it to their recipients. The event will be held on October 23, 2014, attempting to set the record for Guiness World Record, aim to share and extend life and joy to the cancer survivors who loosed their hairs.

The team are still accepting hair donations. Make sure your hair at least 12″ inches long, we accepting all the hair even if it was colored or processed here is a link on how properly cut and donate your hair:

Written by Team DailyPedia is created to carry on the very purpose of writing and reading online--- and that is to be connected to the world.


  1. Welcome to Dailypedia. Good to see your first post. This is a healthy campaign that would sure to benefit many. Thanks for sharing. You can just specify where to exactly donate the hair, as mentioned in the link provided. Additional larger photos is a plus to further trigger the consciouness of netizens 🙂



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