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10 Filipino Lawmakers Who Filed the Most Idiotic Bill Proposals

8. Leyte Representative Lucy Torres-Gomez

Just very recently, according to Kicker Daily News, Cong. Lucy handed in a bill for “No Busina Day” on Sundays: proposed House Bill 4542. The bill aims to make the streets quieter during Sundays, the day when the Christian community is in church, communing with God.

She argues that the bill is necessary because those who are perpetual ‘honkers’, the people who commit ‘unnecessary honking’, are the ones who often figure in road rage incidents.

Well, there’s been a lot of news reports about road rage incidents, so we could understand what she probably means but does this really have to be a law?

Photo credit: The Waxed Word
Photo credit: The Waxed Word

Written by Joy Adalia

A non-functioning licensed Chemist but full-time mommy of 2 kids, full-time wife, and full-time freelancer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    • Why do you think Tito Sotto’s bill is not Idiotic…morons understand each other…lol.. Criminals are not deterred of capital punishment, or hangging, electric chair, firing squad or even the old school Guillotine. They still commit crime.. And you think his bill will solve the riding in tandem crimes….whew!!! Unbelievable !!!

  1. WTF? i actually think, it’s better to remove senators. they are being paid to create such stupid, and useless laws. instead of laws, that could help the case of poverty. Cha-cha must be implemented

  2. I find this stupid in reality. but tito sotto’s bill is somehow stupid but accurate. the law enforcement agencies cant control the vast amount of criminals in our country.. Ironic. even the government cant do anything about the rebels here.



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