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A Very Touching Moment Where Sexual Partiality Was Discarded for a Moment

Check Out The Viral Photos Of Two Joyful Dads With Their Newborn Baby.


Two men (BJ Barone and Frankie Nelson) who are so in love with each other will once again try to defy the odds amidst all the sexual preferences and baseless discrimination that they are constantly receiving. This time, they will not face these adversaries alone as they recently had their newborn baby who now be part of their controversially dramatic yet very inspiring lives.

Just when the Pride month in Canada’s about to end, two men welcomed their baby with joyful tears as they tenderly hugged their offspring while they are shirtless believing that skin to skin contact will be beneficial to their baby.

Baby Milo was born through the process of gestational surrogacy where both the surrogate mom and his parents took good care of him from the get go. This incident was filled with deep emotions and compassion as it captured the hearts of many the moment they saw the photos that were uploaded on Ms. Lindsay Foster’s Facebook page.


Despite of the success and delight that the two men and the surrogate mother is enjoying right now, they can’t help but receive negative comments which were obviously against them and their move. On the other hand, Mr. Barone and Mr. Nelson reiterated that they welcome any comments whether it be negative or positive because they believe in the saying that “Love has no color nor gender nor sexual preference. Love is unconditional”. They also said that they are solely focusing on taking good care of the baby, raising him well, nurturing him, trying to be the best parents that they could possibly be.

Here are some comments that the couple have posted on Facebook:


Frankie Nelson: “Lindsay Foster, BJ and I want to thank you for this amazing gift you have us!! We can not thank you enough for capturing the most amazing moment in our life!!”

BJ Barone: “Thank you to everyone out there who has taken the time to like, comment and share our picture! This was truly an incredible moment in our lives that will be captured forever by the lovely Lindsay Foster Photography We are so lucky that we have a beautiful, healthy baby boy! All comments posted are respected, although we may not agree with the negative ones, the positive ones far outweigh the negative. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This is a moment of pure love and acceptance. Milo is surrounded by unconditional love and he will grow up knowing many different types of families and accept everyone, (intolerant people included). Milo was born during World Pride. This picture represents everything Pride is about. Love has no colour nor gender nor sexual preference. Love is unconditional. Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts! xxoo”

Written by dailypedia


  1. congradulations to both of you and props for being so strong. It’s good to know this child will have two very loving parents! Love transcends race, gender, and religion and I am happy to see you prove it.

  2. May these 2 loving parents & their little one always be healthy, happy & safe. I don’t think a “straight” couple could love him any more than these 2 wonderful guys do! Congrats on being fathers, BJ & Frankie!



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