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Chopsticks Get Impaled in Boy’s Neck after He Fell Over while Eating

A boy who skipped school to go outside and eat a bowl of noodles got more than he bargained for after he fell over while eating as he rushed with his takeaway snack back to his classroom.

Jun Chia, 12, was already on his way back to school but could not resist snacking on the noodles he was bringing. It was quite unfortunate that he was hit by an electric scooter being driven by a parent who was fetching another kid from the school.

The direct hit knocked him over, causing the sharp metal chopsticks to impale his throat!

Thankfully, the chopsticks missed any major blood vessel or key organ in his neck, so the doctors were able to remove the metal objects without problems.

Photo credit: Mirror UK
Photo credit: Mirror UK

The doctors said he was very lucky because the chopsticks could have easily hit his esophagus or voice box, causing permanent damage.

It was also lucky that the chopsticks were made of steel because these did not break in his neck, causing further complications.

Written by Joy Adalia

A non-functioning licensed Chemist but full-time mommy of 2 kids, full-time wife, and full-time freelancer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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