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Alyzza Agustin apologizes for calling card controversy

Alyzza Agustin, the model who used the alleged business card of Philippine National Police Directorate for Plans Alexander Ignacio to get away from a traffic violation, apologized for the incident, but said that she doesn’t know the police official personally.

Agustin said in a Facebook post using what appears to be her account: “I would like to apologize to everyone who was affected and offended by my post: fellow motorists, Director Alexander C. Ignacio and his family, and the PNP institution as a whole.” 

Agustin, who was hailed as one of FHM 100 Sexiest Women in the World in 2013, said that she apologizes to those who were “affected and offended” by her post.

The post appears to have been deleted from the account, but a screenshot was posted at
The post appears to have been deleted from the account, but a screenshot was posted at

Agustin, drew flak from netizens after she posted in Facebook that she got away with a traffic violation using Ignacio’s calling card which had a handwritten note at the back that says: “PLS ASSIST MY EA, ALYZZA AGUSTIN.”

The police officer earlier on Tuesday also denied having personal ties with the model and hinted that that business card was fake. “First of all, I categorically deny that I personally know Alyzza Agustin, who claimed that she used my business card to avoid getting a traffic citation,” Ignacio said in a statement.

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