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10 Signs that prove you have AlDub fever

AlDub fever has taken over noontime TV and has shown no signs of slowing down. The Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza team-up continues to keep audiences eagerly waiting for the next installment of their kalyeserye.

So, are you one of those people that have been infected with this fever? If you say “yes” to most of the signs listed here, you probably deserve membership to the AlDub nation.

10. You do the pabebe wave instead of the ordinary wave.

Written by G.A. Viray

G.A. had a lot of professional working experiences in different fields and industries before finally deciding to write articles in 2014. She is a Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian who also has a passion for teaching, training and facilitating. More than all her skills and passions, she is very much grateful that she is blessed with an adorable daughter and a loving husband.

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