A concerned citizen named Donna Islao is asking authorities to conduct an investigation into the case of a turtle being held captive for profit. Locals are charging tourists 50 pesos for a photo op with the said turtle. A hole had apparently been made in the turtle’s shell and a rope tied through it to tether the animal and to make sure it does not escape.
Donna revealed this act of animal cruelty in a Facebook post which has been shared 1, 525 times as of this writing.

Donna also shared her experience to the public with the help of YouScoop. She said that they drove to Guimaras Island and did some island hopping. Upon reaching their last island destination, on Natago beach, she saw a group of teenagers taking a picture with a turtle.
Donna and her friends decided to have a picture with it, too, but to their surprise, they saw that the turtle had a rope attached through a hole in its shell. She also believed that the turtle’s legs were also tied up to disable it from escaping.
Donna took a picture of the turtle and also urged the DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources) to take necessary actions and help the pitiful turtle.