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Top ten odd jobs that are actually in demand

"I see we've been eating burritos again." (Image via
“I see we’ve been eating burritos again.” (Image via
1) Fart Smeller

In China, professional fart smellers are comparable to the most state-of-the art medical equipment like MRIs and CT scans. These professionals assess the internal conditions of the body by smelling the patient’s fart. Meanwhile, in other countries, professional fart smellers are employed to take a whiff of a cow’s gastrointestinal emissions. By doing such, they are able to determine if the bovine is enjoying a healthy diet.

Got more to add or heard of a job even weirder than what’s on this list? Point it out to us on the comments below and maybe we can make a part two of this article.

Written by Bambi Eloriaga-Amago

Bambi is a freelance writer/editor who is a big fan of Marvel, Star Wars, and all things geeky. Aside from her geek obsessions, she's also an aspiring cat lady with three cats in her household. She's also a devoted mom and wife.

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