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Top 10 Most Disturbing Experiments of All Time

Most experiments yield results that would ultimately benefit mankind. However, man’s endless thirst for knowledge inspires some scientists to do the unthinkable.

These experiments, though seemingly unbelievable and disturbing, actually happened in real life. We’re not really sure what motivated these researchers to bring a dead dog back to life or drink a fresh black vomit. Perhaps it’s safe to assume that it’s all for the love of science.

Here are some of the most disturbing experiments according All Day and The Daily Mail UK. 

1. Raising the Dead

In 1935, Dr. Robert Cornish of the University of California succeeded in bringing two dead dogs back to life by pumping a mixture of anti-coagulants and adrenaline into the corpses. Despite suffering from brain damage, the dogs lived on for months. Cornish was not able to do the same with humans, but scientists are attempting to replicate his results.


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