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10 Philippine Fruits You Probably Haven’t Heard Of and Tried!


Just like biriba, the anonas is sometimes called as wild sweet sop but is more popularly known as custard apple. Fruits have different shapes; some would be heart-shaped while others would be round or oblong. This fruit also has different tastes, depending on the variety. One variety could be delicious and juicy while other varieties are hard and repulsive.

Anonas Photo credit: Artemis Traveler
Photo credit: Artemis Traveler

Written by Joy Adalia

A non-functioning licensed Chemist but full-time mommy of 2 kids, full-time wife, and full-time freelancer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


  1. Sapinit is already been sold long time ago (prior to 2009 you’ve mentioned it was been discovered) outside the elementary schools in San Pablo City.

    Locals there are selling these wild raspberry in very small plastic bags with salt.



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