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Gretchen Barretto drinks gin and tequila as protection from COVID-19

Researchers have concluded that using alcohol externally can offer protection from viruses, but drinking it does virtually nothing

Drinking gin and tequila is Gretchen Barretto’s secret not to get infected with the coronavirus.

According to her video on Instagram, she takes a variety of supplements along with shots of liquor to stay healthy. She said someone told her that she’d get an immunity boost from drinking alcohol.

“I don’t know if this is a miracle but some people tell me that hindi daw ako nakakapitan ng virus because I drink gin or tequila,” she said.

“I’m not promoting alcohol but I am just saying drink moderately and I still do that in spite of my allergy I still take a shot or 2 of alcohol every 30 minutes, kidding every hour. So far, that’s it, I survived it, I mean I haven’t gone through it,” she added.

Barretto, is in, fact vaccinated and she has a video to prove it.

Researchers have concluded that using alcohol externally can offer protection from viruses, but drinking it does virtually nothing.

Written by Charles Teves

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