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#BoycottGenshin: Gaming Community divided as calls to Boycott viral cross-platform game gain traction on Twitter

Critics pointed towards this particular clip–when Mihoyo blatantly misrepresented indigenous peoples when they created the Hilichurls, a group of in-game mobs inspired by indigenous peoples.

Game developers these days usually take good care of the content they release. One developer, however, is currently in hot water after some gamers accuse a developer of perpetuating racism and including elements of pedophilia.

Gamers used the hashtag #boycottgenshin to air their grievances against developer miHoYo after the developer allegedly infused racist elements into their cross-platform game Genshin Impact.

One of the issues raised is that one of the game’s monsters took its basis on a group of indigenous people.

Critics pointed towards this particular clip–when Mihoyo blatantly misrepresented indigenous peoples when they created the Hilichurls, a group of in-game mobs inspired by indigenous peoples.

Some also say the developers could be “grooming” impressionable gamers into thinking that indigenous people exist to be subject to ridicule.

One gamer, in particular, @EM0GOJO, said he felt like he is mocked for something that means so much to them.

This one has been validated by many of the game’s fans, though some opted to take the “it’s virtual, it should not affect me” approach.

Another issue being raised is how the developers are allegedly whitewashing its dark-skinned characters, particularly the characters Xinyan and Kaeya.

Twitter user @xinyanluvsu posted this photo, saying, “This is how your ‘dark skin’ characters should look. Not two shades below pale, not fluctuating tones. They should have dark skin.”

She added that people with dark skin are “not exotic and scary.” She asked the developers to write dark-skinned characters “without using colorism and racism as a big plot point.”

This point has been countered by most of the game’s fans as they point out how characters of Genshin Impact aren’t what the West thinks they are.

The art style might have influenced how the character’s skin color is presented in the game, as suspected by a Netizen.

The biggest issue about Mihoyo and Genshin Impact is how two of the game’s playable characters have an NPC “fan base” that draws parallels to pedophiles.

The characters in question—Ella Musk and Flora—have middle-aged male NPCs who are “into them.”

The last one is seen as a bit of a hypocritical statement, as some of the game’s fans are themselves into the game’s characters way too much.

A good read into allegations of perpetuating pedophilia and other issues got tweeted by one of the game’s most popular streamers, Atsu, who goes by @AsianGuyStream on Twitter.

As someone who streams the game, most people might dismiss his thoughts, but the Genshin Impact streamer raises valid points, especially in the impressionable gaming community.

He would also share his thoughts on pedophilia, misrepresentation, and racism.

He also said Mihoyo, as a small game developer, did not intentionally design their characters with malice.

He also pointed out how the same people, who are calling on other gamers to boycott Genshin Impact are still playing the game, implying that they “don’t care.”

Atsu, however, raises a valid point: gacha games, or games with coding that has similarities to gambling, need to be regulated.

“The gacha culture is ethically wrong and I believe that governments need to clamp down on this form of gambling,” said Atsu.

He added that gacha games are a possible gateway to gambling addiction, alongside inducing toxic behavior in people “as demonstrated by this hashtag.”

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