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Cebu Gov. Gwen Garcia draws flak for humiliating doctor during live video

#NoToDoctorShaming trends online

The #NoToDoctorShaming trended online as netizens criticized Cebu Province Governor Gwendolyn Garcia for humiliating doctors who criticized her suggested steam inhalation or “tu-ob”.

On Tuesday, during a Facebook live video, Gwen Garcia publicly exposed the profile and photos of doctors and also netizens who expressed criticisms online.

The governor mentioned Dr. Candy Krista Pilapil who questioned the effectiveness of “tu-ob”.

The governor asked the doctor what she has contributed and asked her to run for the next election.

“Next time if you want to criticize us, run (for the next election). Maybe you’re more knowledgeable,” Garcia said in Visayan.

Garcia also insulted the doctor with her two years of experience as a general practitioner, she also said that maybe Dr. Pilapil’s experience on Facebook is better.

Dr. Lani Rae Seeto was also targeted by Garcia for her threatening remarks against the latter.

The governor’s unprofessional action earned the ire of netizens and doctors who promoted the #NoToDoctorShaming.

This was not the first time that Garcia has gotten into trouble for being unprofessional.

In 2012, she was suspended by the Office of the President for grave abuse of authority. In 2016, she was charged with 11 counts of graft due to anomalies in the procurement of architectural and engineering design, various civil and other works for CICC in 2006. Last 2018, she was dismissed by Ombudsman Conchita Morales for grave misconduct.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Cebu Capitol released an official statement regarding the issue against Gov. Garcia’s recommendation of “tu-ob” and her act of humiliating the doctors.

Written by Neil

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