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Dingalan Mayor confronts group asking senior citizens to pay Php1,000 to receive benefits worth Php1 million

The Mayor of Dingalan, Aurora confronted a group who was said to be making senior citizens pay a Php1,000 membership fee in exchange for Php1 million pesos worth of benefits.

  • On his Facebook page, the mayor also clarified that such benefits arek fake.
  • The mayor decided to file a large scale Estafa case against some members of the group.

Mayor Shierwin Taay of Dingalan, Aurora was fuming with anger as he confronted the individuals who were said to be scamming senior citizens in the area.

The modus operandi of a group called Worldwide Movement Development Divinity is that they’ll make the seniors pay up to Php1,000 in exchange for what is said to be Php1 million worth of benefits on top of their pension.

“Hindi ho kami mga tanga. At lalong hindi ako tanga. Wag niyong sabihing walang involved na pera dito,” he said.

The organization said that they had come from San Jose, Nueva Ecija and had contacted a lawyer for the activity.

But they weren’t the only ones that received a scolding as Mayor Taay also talked to the senior citizens present. He said that the seniors keep complaining that the government was not helping them but would use their Php600 monthly pension just to give to some random people.

“Walang manloloko kung hindi magpapaloko!” the mayor exclaimed. He also said that this isn’t the first time that a group like this tried to make money off of citizens. Another group tried to talk to senior citizens about the cash that they would supposedly inherit from the Marcoses in exchange for a fee.

“Ating ipinapaalala na ang mga nangangalap ng members lalo na sa mga Senior Citizen na PAMAMANAHAN DAW NG ANAK NI MARCOS na si PRINCESS daw na kapag nag member ay magbabayad una 200, 300 naging 500 at ngayon ay 1,000 na kapalit ng 1MILLION DAW ay HINDI PO TOTOO.Sino man ang nagpapatakbo at nangungumbinsi nito ay ipagbigay alam po sa inyong Punong Barangay,” Mayor Taay wrote on his Facebook profile.

“Paulit-ulit ko pong ipinapaalala na ang mga nangangako na asosasyon na nagbibigay daw ng pera kapalit ng pag member at pag bayad ng membership fee ay hindi po TOTOO.”

With this, the mayor decided to file a large scale Estafa case against the group’s six members.

Written by J M

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