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“Christmas is love and sharing,” Robin Padilla spends Christmas with family despite religion

  • Robin Padilla and Mariel Rodriguez shared photos of them spending Christmas together.
  • This garnered negative reactions from some netizens, calling out Robin for celebrating Christmas.

Robin Padilla spent Christmas Day just like any other family in the Philippines.

But it’s particularly special for the Rodriguez-Padilla household as it’s the first time that they will spend the holiday season together as a family.

In her Instagram post, Mariel Rodriguez shared a photo of her, Robin, and their daughter Isabella in front of their Christmas tree. In the captions, she wrote, “Our first christmas together. we were in Delaware for @mariaisabelladepadilla ‘s 1st christmas then last year @robinhoodpadilla spent it in Marawi so this is the first time we are together as a family and this is the best family photo we have”

Some netizens greeted the couple, but others were not exactly amused by the post. They called out Robin for celebrating Christmas when he’s a Muslim. They added that it is actually forbidden in the Islamic law.

This resulted to Mariel turning off the comment section in the particular post.

But this didn’t stop Robin from defending himself.

“Christmas is love and sharing. Christmas in the Philippines is more of culture and traditions not of religious extremism. We all believe in the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ (PBUH) let us focus our energy and conversation on things that we are the same God-willing.”

As Robin is a Muslim and Mariel is a Catholic, they have decided for Isabella to have both Catholic baptism and aqiqah, which is an Islamic tradition after a child’s birth.

Written by J M

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