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New gay couple Josh Villa and Rod Cy share their love story that is full of hope and courage

The Dailypedia: What would you advise those people who are still single but are longing to be in a relationship?

Josh: My advice? WAIT. Love should not be sought, because it will come. If your right one hasn’t arrived yet, share your love to your family and friends. Be true to yourself. There is one person out there that that has been dreaming of you. But if you really can’t help it, go and find that person! (Laughs) Just wait, there’s no need to rush. If you are meant to be together, you will be together. Don’t worry if that person hasn’t come yet. God is still busy writing your love story. Keep calm and be who you are.

Rod: What I can advise the single people out there is not to rush love because it will come at the time when you least expect it. (Smiles) Just like us, we didn’t expect that we will cross our paths, that we will be together.

Photo Credit: Josh Villa
Like any other couple, Josh and Rod also celebrate significant dates in their relationship and they are proud of it.
Photo Credit: Josh Villa

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