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10 disgusting things Filipino men do

Most Filipino men have habits that are normal for them, but may be disgusting for women (or to other men for that matter). These behavioral patterns may be revolting, but are strangely satisfying for the guilty party. Here are some of the dirty—and oftentimes secret—disgusting habits of Pinoy men.

10. The Harvester

Some men have this disgusting habit of picking their nose whenever and wherever they feel like it. It’s difficult to understand why men do this, but it’s a habit some cannot do without.

Photo Credit: ImgSoup
Photo Credit: ImgSoup

9. Beard shavings in the sink

Men who leave their shaved hair in the sink really need to clean up after themselves. Not only is this gross, but the drains can get clogged because of all the unwanted hair.

Photo Credit : Capitals Outsider
Photo Credit : Capitals Outsider

8. Overflowing drool

When men are in a deep sleep, they can’t help but drool. Hopefully they remember to wipe it off once they wake up.

Photo Credit: Openline MediaLine
Photo Credit: Openline MediaLine

7.  Smoke bomb

Silent but deadly or loud and proud, men fart. Sometimes they just set one off in the most awkward times and places.

Photo Credit: Weird Nut Daily
Photo Credit: Weird Nut Daily

6. Peeing anywhere

Filipino men pretty much pee anywhere they want: on the road, against a wall, or in the shrubbery. It does make some stinky roads in the metro, especially on really warm days.

Photo Credit: Chris and CIn
Photo Credit: Chris and CIn

5. Peeing in the shower

Most men figure the pee will just go down the drain anyway. They forget that it can leave some undesirable odors.

Photo Credit: YouTube
Photo Credit: YouTube

4. Sniffing themselves

For some reason, men love the smell of their underarms. While women are usually turned off, men just don’t care if anyone sees them doing it.

Photo Credit: Sixth Seal
Photo Credit: Sixth Seal

3. Dolby Surround Spitting

Men spit anywhere, which makes for some very unsanitary conditions.

Photo Credit" DRSHEM
Photo Credit: DRSHEM

2. Very obviously using a toothpick

By all means, clean out the food particles stuck between your teeth. Just spare everyone else the sight of you going at it with much relish.

Photo Credit: YouTube
Photo Credit: YouTube

1. Public scratching

Men scratch a lot especially their “juniors” in public no less. Sometimes it’s just too itchy to wait for a private moment to deal with their discomfort.

Photo Credit: VijhayVic Blogspot
Photo Credit: VijhayVic Blogspot

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