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Netizens enraged by photo of aborted baby dumped in a brook in Mandaluyong

Facebook users are furious over the photo of an aborted baby dumped in a brook on Aurollo Street, Barangay Hagdan Bato in Libis, Mandaluyong City

The sickening image was uploaded by Facebook user Jennicca Vicuña.

Concerned residents of Barangay Hagdan Bato arranged to have the aborted baby laid to rest in the Garden of Life Cemetery in Mandaluyong.

PHOTO CREDIT: Jennicca Vicuña
PHOTO CREDIT:Facebook/ Jennicca Vicuña

Abortion is banned in the country and while this is not surprising considering that the Philippines is predominantly Catholic, it is shocking to know that illegal and unsafe abortions have become a rampant.

In fact, a 2013 report by international non goverment organisation Guttmacher Institute revealed that about 1,000 Filipinos die annually due to complications of unsafe abortions.

Many legal experts are rallying for the legalization of medical abortion in the country to reduce the number of fatalities. However, the Catholic Church is opposing proposals to legalize abortion in the Philippines.

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