
The World’s 10 Worst and Deadliest Dictators

6. Vladimir Lenin – Russia / 4 million estimated deaths


He served as head of government of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1917, and of the Soviet Union from 1922 until his death. Lenin ordered the execution of Russian ministers and the royal family during the civil war. He instigated the red terror to silence opposition – clergymen were impaled and rebels buried alive.

5. Chiang Kai-Shek – China and Taiwan / 10  million estimated deaths


He served as the leader of the Republic of China for 22 years, and Taiwan for 30 years. Chiang ordered 1927’s Shanghai massacre, causing the death of over 5,000 communists and students. He was also responsible for the killing of 20,000 Taiwanese in 1947, particularly leaders and intellectuals.

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