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Passenger cheats a jeepney driver out of extra change, other passengers try to make it right

  • One passenger claimed that the jeepney driver gave her the wrong amount of change
  • The driver decided to just give the girl the money she wanted just to end the argument
  • The driver almost breaks down in tears as he needed the money for his sick child

We are all aware that jeepney drivers don’t make a lot. One story about a jeepney driver who was cheated by a passenger really touched netizens.

Angela, a Twitter user, shared her experience in a Twitter thread.

Angela usually commutes via jeepney and pays eight to nine pesos. One day while on her commute, one of the passengers claimed that the jeepney driver did not give her the right amount of change.

“There was this one time where the weather was so hot and one girl, who was pissed, shouted, ‘Manong kulang ho sukli n’yo sakin, 2 kami 50 binayad ko!'” Angela relayed.

The driver said the girl only paid 20 pesos and that the right change was two pesos. The girl then cursed him while her friend just sat there quietly.

The driver replied “Neng, 20 lang yung binayad mo, dos ang sukli.” The girl got aggressive, “KUYA, 50 NGA BINAYAD KO DIBA, P*T@ NAMAN O.”

Angela felt bad for the driver as he was trying to reason with the passenger. The driver then decided to stop arguing and just give the girl what she wanted and handed her more change.

“I was not able to count what he gave but I saw a 20 peso bill along with some coins.”

What happened next soon set Angela’s blood boiling. The quarrelsome passenger and her friend alighted from the jeep when she heard the girl’s friend say that the girl really only handed 20 pesos and not 50 to the driver.

“I heard one of the girl’s friend saying, ‘Ui 20 pesos lang ga binayad mo ang alam ko’ and then the aggressive girl replied, ‘SH*T P*T@ weh? T*ngin@ yaan mo na at least nagkapera pa.’

Angela was going to say something but the jeep moved away by then. She saw the driver murmuring something under his breath. “Yung anak ko may sakit pa, imbis na kumita nababawasan pa.”

The driver looked like he was about to cry but just held it in.

Angela wanted to help the driver. While she had already paid her fare, she decided to pay again hoping the driver wouldn’t notice, but he did. She just insisted that she had not paid yet. The other passengers figured out what she was doing and paid nine pesos each instead of their usual eight peso student fare.

The driver got emotional and said, “Neng, maraming salamat.”

Angela left and smiled but couldn’t hold in what she was feeling and eventually broke down.

Angela ended the thread with a message to be kind to people who might have troubles that we might not be aware of.

The thread has almost 30k retweets and 50k likes.

Written by Charles Teves

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