
Study says that being too handsome may be bad for your career

  • Research claimed that looks may affect a man’s career growth.
  • It said that managers are actually affected by stereotypes in their hiring decisions.

A study that is conducted in the United States and United Kingdom stated that handsome men are more likely to be seen as a threat by their bosses. This results to them having less chances to score a higher position.

The research involves people from the University College London’s School of Management and the University of Maryland, US. They carried out four separate experiments in different cities.

They found out that when men are hiring other men, their decision is affected by the level of attractiveness of the candidate for the job. On the other hand, women’s physical observation did not prevent them from hiring desirable additions in the company.

Photo Courtesy of Fanpop

According to professor Sun Young Lee from the University of Maryland, “Managers are affected by stereotypes and make hiring decisions to serve their own self-interests so organizations may not get the most competent candidates.”

“With more companies involving employees in recruitment processes, this important point needs attention. Awareness that hiring is affected by potential work relationships and stereotyping tendencies can help organizations improve their selection processes.”

Supporting this, it can be remembered that actor Rob Lowe claimed that his looks have been one of the obstacles of his career in Hollywood.

Written by J M

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