
You’ll start sleeping on your left side after reading this

5. It facilitates lymphatic drainage.

“The left side of the body is the dominant lymphatic side, and while you’re sleeping on this side, your body will have more time to filter toxins, lymph fluid, and waste,” as reported by Healthy Life Tricks.

6. It promotes heart health.

“It makes sense that if you sleep on your left side, the lymph drainage toward the heart will again be helped by gravity, taking some of the workload off the heart as you sleep,” said Dr. John Doulliard.

7. It is good for pregnant mothers and their babies.

“Sleeping on the left side is also recommended during pregnancy to improve circulation to the heart — good for mom and baby,” WebMD revealed.

8. It relieves heartburn.

“Research suggests sleeping on the left side can relieve heartburn symptoms, while right-side sleeping makes them worse,” WebMD reported.

Written by mmalabanan

Mini is a work-at-home mom from Laguna. Aside from writing, she's passionate about breastfeeding and homeschooling.

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