There are many problems that students face. The time spent in college is both best and worst times of students’ lives. As to make you feel better and aren’t alone, classmates and friends are with you and support you all the way until the semester ends.
Stress level arises when dragging your body from bed to desk to study for midterm exams. High pressure are set by professors to bring out the best in every students’ projects and requirements to enrich and fulfill one’s creativity and quality. And after passing thesis defense, group mates could enjoy and party hard since all hard work and sleepless nights have been paid off well!
But using other’s documentary video and acknowledging it as their own which they included in their thesis is definitely another story to tell. It’s a thesis-movie-project rolled into one! Student asks to remove the video on Youtube to use for thesis, and this time original creators react!
A netizen has just posted her rant against a student and his team for committing plagiarism in using a documentary film which was originally owned and created by her batchmate’s work.

The student who supposedly studying at STI-Lucena, addressed the uncommon request to Ms. Joyce, who is a member of The UP Community Broadcasters’ Society. In her reply, she noted that she doesn’t have the single authority to let the student’s favor be granted just for their selfish impure acts.

The team leader of Cocolisap video made a clear straightforward reply in a form of giving a warn to stop insisting their favor because if not, possible criminal actions will be filed against plagiarists.

The said documentary video was produced by Philippine Coconut Authority of the Department of Agriculture and published last May 23, 2014.