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This Man Regularly Gives Money To An Elderly Beggar; He Was Shocked When He Saw Her Driving A New Car

Oklahoma City – A video of a confrontation between an old lady inside a red car and a man has gotten a lot of attention online.

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Recorded by Brandi Newman, the video has now reached over 3 million Facebook views.

The elderly woman is always seen begging in Oklahoma City every single day.

Newman, who has also been fooled by the beggar told the reporters that she was taking a photo of the 2013 Fiat car as proof when a man, identified as Daniel Ayala, approached the old lady.

“This is crazy!” Ayala, says in the video. “You are asking for money in the middle of street and you drive a 2013 car? Listen, I work hard for my money. I don’t appreciate this… And that’s why people like you take advantage of people like me…I see you hungry, every day I give you three dollars, two dollars, Thursday I did not eat to give you four dollars.”

Ayala said in an interview, “It made me mad when I saw her Monday behind this gas station parked counting the money, she had a lot of money in her lap and I couldn’t take it.” He also added, “I gave that lady over $15 in five days. $15 could make me enough to come to work for gas.”

After posting the video, Newman was contacted by the grandchildren of the 78-year-old woman, telling her that she is not doing anything illegal.

News9 tried to interview the old woman that same day but she did not want to talk about her car and even hit the journalist when asked about it.

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According to the Homeless Alliance only about 20% of panhandlers are actually homeless. Dan Straughan-Executive Director of the Homeless Alliance said, “By far the majority of panhandlers we see are panhandling for cash, typically to support unhealthy behaviors, often alcoholism and other addictions.” 

Written by Team DailyPedia is created to carry on the very purpose of writing and reading online--- and that is to be connected to the world.


  1. Brandi Newman, I am happy and grateful of your generosity. God ( or The Universe) will bless you a billion fold for your kindness. Thank you.



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