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Kindhearted landlord suspends rent for his tenants in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic

Nathan Nichols hopes other landlords would do the same

Nathan Nichols, a landlord from Maine, United States, is going viral on social media for suspending his tenants’ rent due to the coronavirus.

His tenants will not be paying their rent in the coming month of April.

Nichols realized that he doesn’t really need the money for rent, and thought that his tenants could use the money for something more useful given the existing pandemic.

“Because I have the good fortune and of being able to afford it and the privilege of being in the owner class, I just let them know I would not be collecting rent in April.”

Nichols hoped other landlords will do the same for their tenants.

“I ask any other landlords out there to take a serious look at your own situation and consider giving your tenants some rent relief as well.”

News Center Maine suggested that the money Nichols makes from his property is in the form of equity. The money left usually goes to maintenance and renovations.

“All I really did was to add some time to when the front porch gets replaced in exchange for some much-needed relief now,”

Nichols understands the role of a landlord and that many cannot afford to do what he did because they too need the money, but he urged those who can afford it to do the same as he did.

“I expect that many landlords are not in a position to do this, but there are certainly others who are.”

He also hoped that landlords would give back a percentage of the rent money they received from their tenants, just to make things easier for them financially.

“I hope that other landlords, especially if they are earning income from their tenants, will consider returning some of it in this time of need.”

Netizens only had praise for Nichols.

“Some people are so nice and understanding, I would do the same if I will have the opportunity someday and not as greedy as some landlords out there who only thinks of their sheer greed of money.”

“I was going to ask that God bless you greatly for your kindness; but He already did. He gave you a heart of gold and a conscience that guides you mightily to a higher plane than most. Thank you Nathan.”


“Awwww May the lord continue blessing your heart, we need more people like you, I’m blessed to have a great Landlord and I’m sure if he was fortunate to not have any mortgage he would do the same for me and my family. But I thank God that I’m still going to receive my normal checks without working. And I’m going to put my leftovers after my bills to a good cause, there’s many that needs a hand. I hope others do the same, there is no time for judgment people let God be in control. MAY GOD BLESS EVERYONE ALWAYS”

“Being human in its best form. Greeting from the Northern part of Europe from a country called Finland.”

Filipinos also want payments in the country to either be suspended or extended to help them during this time of crisis.

Twitter user Marvic Leonen is calling out all the responsible authorities to make things easier for the people.

Security Bank replied saying that they are helping out by extending the due dates for loans and credit cards.

Other netizens agree with Marvic.

BPI also replied saying that they are working on it.

UnionBank is already making moves and is receiving praise.

President Rodrigo Duterte already said that the entire island of Luzon will be on community quarantine.

Duterte said the entire process will end on April 12, depending on how the results are going to be.

“I am placing the entire mainland of Luzon under quarantine until April 12, 2020 coinciding with the entire end of the Holy Week. Let me make myself clear, this is not martial law.”

Duterte’s spokesman Salvador Panelo said that this will be an “absolute lockdown or total lockdown”, and will take effect “immediately”.

Businesses offering goods and services will remain available to the public.

The process will make sure that home confinement in all households, suspended transportation lines, regulated provision for food and essential health services, and a leveled up presence of police and soldiers to enforce isolation procedures are observed.

“It means that all persons will be subjected to strict home quarantine, no movement and no transportation, except only for frontline health workers, authorized government officials, medical or humanitarian [reasons] as well as transport of basic services and necessities,” said Panelo.

Government work will also be suspended.

Duterte wants employers to keep on paying their employees even during the quarantine.

“We want to do business, we want to make money…but there is no interaction now and there is no trade to speak of.”

Panelo said that “food and essential needs will be delivered in homes care of the respective local government units.”

One of the plans is to just have food delivered to destinations to avoid crowding in establishments that offer the basic necessities as it relates to the pandemic.

“The respective LGUs will have to create a system where food and essential needs will be delivered to the homes of the communities. In other words, we will not allow a rush to getting food and supplies because there will be sufficient food and supply.”

Local government units are advised to make sure that panic buying shouldn’t happen in their respective areas.

“When you say there is quarantine in your homes, it means you don’t need to travel. You don’t need transportation for that except only for medical and humanitarian reasons.”

Panelo said that all Duterte wants is to save the people from getting the virus.

“I would like to convey to our people, the President’s ultimate goal is to save ourselves from ourselves. We have to do everything to protect ourselves. This is a matter of national survival, of life and death, so we have to sacrifice.”

Duterte is making sure that this Luzon quarantine will be stricter than the one in Metro Manila. This came after a meeting with the government inter-agency task force.

Panelo is claiming that he, along with Interior Secretary Eduardo Año, were among the people who voted to have the total lockdown of Metro Manila when statistics proved that the mortality rate was getting worse in the country.

There are currently 6,500 who have reportedly died from the virus, and 160,000 confirmed cases in total.

Written by Charles Teves

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