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Sad truth behind Joenel’s funny memes

  • His meme went viral on social media nowadays and some have wondered who “Joenel” is
  • Former Justice secretary Leila De Lima was having a love affair with her two security aides and one of them is Jeonel Sanchez
  • Making fun of Joenel without knowing him is being insensitive

Joenel’s meme went crazy over social media, where people joked about his name, without even knowing who he really is. Some know that he is the pork barrel queen, Leila De Lima’s, lover. But behind all that happened is history.

How did these Joenel memes start?

The Philippines is known as the ‘memes capital of the world,’ which means that we Filipinos are so fond of making funny and creative memes posted on the internet. And Joenel was not an exception to this meme’s thing.

His meme went viral on social media nowadays and some have wondered who “Joenel” is.

On the investigation of the House of Committee on the pork barrel scam in 2016, there were speculations that former Justice Secretary Leila De Lima was having a love affair with her two security aides, and one of them is Jeonel Sanchez.

Furthermore, Joenel went to testify and, as seen on this video, how they asked Joenel on having the secret love affair.

After seeing this video, meme’s have popped out of the Internet, where a lot of netizens were making fun of it.

A Twitter user Yel@YsabelleSacriz recently posted “A thread about Jonel.” This speaks what her professor told her after seeing them making fun of Joenel meme’s which make her feel bad.

On her thread, she introduced Joenel Sanchez before he was convicted.

She also shared the life of Joenel, after he had been put to jail because of Leila De Lima’s pork barrel case. He remains in jail and, up to now, has not been arraigned.

Yel’s professor made her realize that making fun of Joenel, without knowing him is being insensitive. So with other people, who have been notorious on social media, and being judged without being heard.

Written by Rhelyn Harder

An open-minded person who seeks to inspire readers through writing. She believes that having the freedom and courage to express oneself is an opportunity to influence others.

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