
Disgusting! This False Prophet Allegedly Sprays Insect Repellents To Heal Believers

Prophet Sprays Insect Repellents To Believers
Prophet allegedly sprays insect repellents straight to the faces of his believers | Photo by Aki Anastasiou

This is a typical story of false prophet spreading false faith in his believers, but what he does is something that’s very disgusting in our eyes.

Prophet Sprays Insect Repellents To Believers
Lethebo Rabalago, the ‘prophet’ in the pictures was a preacher of a church in Limpopo, South Africa. | Photo: eNCA

Spraying the faith

Prophet Sprays Insect Repellents To Believers
He sprays on where ever his believers want him to | Photo by Aki Anastasiou

The 24-year-old ‘prophet’ from Mountzion General Assembly created a buzz online when pictures of him spraying what seemed to be an insect spray circulated on social media.

Prophet Sprays Insect Repellents To Believers
Photo by Aki Anastasiou

Lethebo Rabalago, the ‘prophet’ in the pictures was a preacher of a church in Limpopo, South Africa. The pictures were taken during their church service. It was identified that the repellent that he used to spray on his followers’ faces was the Doom Super Multi-Insect Killer.

Prophet Sprays Insect Repellents To Believers
This is the actual spray that the false prophet used to his believers | Photo from Brand Tigers

Brand Tigers, creator of the spray, was quick to release a statement that spraying their product into faces is dangerous. The package has an instruction and the information about the spray.

After his ways were questioned, he proclaimed that many of his followers were actually cured. He explained that no injury was declared, but he declined to admit how many of his believers were actually healed by his treatment.

Prophet Sprays Insect Repellents To Believers
This is what fanaticism does to everyone | Photo by Aki Anastasiou

See, people, this is what fanaticism does to everyone. Beware of these religious ‘prophets’ that are spreading false faith, they know that they have ‘blind’ followers. Keep safe and don’t believe instantly in what people say.

Written by Denis Santos

A Journalism student who considers nature as his second home. Likes to travel on a budget, and believes tofu and nuggets come hand in hand.

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