Having a dull moment with your water? Worry not! The Coca-Cola Company got your back!
All-New Fruit Drink!

Wilkins puts up innovation like no other! As the summer has officially started, Wilkins brings you their first ever flavored water, with real fruit juice!
Wilkins Delight
This month, the company will officially introduce the newest addition to their growing water brands. Wilkins Delight is an exciting water variant for young adults and anyone who thinks water is not enough. Not too strong, the new infused drink with fruit flavors from real fruit will surely quench your thirst.
According to the Coca-Cola Philippines Vice President for Marketing, Stephan Czypionka, “Young adults hate boredom. They want their lives to be interesting and colorful. [They] want to see new places, meet new people and taste new colorful products that are not only healthy and hydrate, but also entertain their taste buds.”
Comes in 3 exciting flavors
The all-new Wilkins Delight comes in three exciting flavors that will help hydrate your body.
Exciting your palette and teases your vision with an amber look is your tasty Apple Flavor.
For that hint of sweetness in pink comes Pomelo.
To get a taste of that fizzy Orange twist, try the flavor that completes Wilkins Delight, Orange.
“This is why today we create a new generation of water – a unique fusion of all the natural benefits from your no. 1 trusted water brand Wilkins (Pure) and all the joyful goodness and fun extracted from real fruit– great refreshing taste, amazing colors, and an endless option of interesting flavors from fruits,” Coca-Cola company VP for Marketing Czypionka added.
Don’t miss the new Wilkins Delight, the drink that will complete your summer!