
What makes a person classy? Here are 10 signs

Class, according to a new survey of 2,000 British people, is no longer dependent on wealth. Apparently, style, demeanor, and worldliness can dictate whether a person is considered sophisticated.

“Projecting the essence of class successfully requires a number of factors to work harmoniously, from your dress sense to your manners to your skillset,” said a spokesperson for the European fashion brand Peter Hahn, which commissioned the study.

Here are the 10 signs of a classy woman:

  • wearing subtle makeup
  • having confidence
  • ageing gracefully
  • accepting compliments graciously
  • only wearing heels she can walk in
  • always smelling good
  • not downplaying her intelligence
  • revealing cleavage sparingly
  • wearing dresses tight enough to show she’s a woman and loose enough to prove she’s a lady

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