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5 Food Pairings that work and are good for you

Have you ever thought about why there are some foods that go well together?

Some pairings are just a match made in heaven. But is it just a matter of the complementary flavors or is there a science to it? Take a look at these five food pairs and how well they work together.

tomato and olive oil
image from wikimedia commons

Tomatoes and olive oil

Drizzle a bit of olive oil on a fresh ripe tomato when you eat it. It turns out that eating tomato with oil makes it possible for your body to absorb the tomato’s potent fat-soluble antioxidants, such as lycopene.

Lycopene is a nutrient that sustains body organs, especially the skin and the heart. Studies confirm that olive oil increases the antioxidant absorption from tomatoes much better than most other oils. Also, it has a flavor that complements a fresh ripe tomato.

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