
Woman Doesn’t Want To Shave Her Beard; Says It Made Her Feel “Free, Confident and More Womanly”

When Annalisa Hackleman was 13 years old, she was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome, a condition affecting the body’s hormones which in turn increases hair growth particularly on the face and body.

When she was growing up, she admitted she’d been very confused as to why people tell her she should be embarrassed of her facial hair which eventually left her feeling bad about her looks.

But this did not matter to her husband as he supported her in her decision to finally grow her beard after shaving it for so many years.

However, today as the couple celebrates their 5-year anniversary on TV episode entitled “Strange Love”, she is unsure if she wants the people to see her unshaved facial hair in their anniversary photos.

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source TLC


Annalisa’s husband, David, have been so supportive, accepting her looks and her facial hair. She said, “I don’t think he loves my facial hair, but he loves me and that’s all that matters.”

Still, in spite of all the devotion and assurance her husband shows her, the reality show’s episode will ask Annalisa if she really wants to keep her facial hair or shave it to look better in their photos.

In an interview with an online magazine, she said, “I didn’t see why it mattered that I had darker hair on my face. At the time it was still peach fuzz looking. After being hounded about it, I became self conscious. My mother decided I needed laser hair removal which ultimately didn’t work and began shaving my face to look “normal”.”

She also added that about three years ago, she was at the point of shaving her beard twice a day. “It was a never ending battle. I formed agoraphobia (unable to leave my house) and would feel anxiety trying to plan outings or go anywhere. When I did leave the house after much stress, crying and worry I found the anxiety wouldn’t calm down.”

source TLC
source TLC

She further explained how grateful she is that her husband helped her cope up with all her self-battles

“Thankfully my husband helped to get me out of my haze and demanded something be done as it was ruining our life together.” That’s when she finally decided to let her facial hair freely grow.

During the TV interview, she confessed that she wasn’t sure at all if she wanted to get rid of her beard again because it made her feel more “free, confident and more womanly”  than she had felt in years.

Written by Team DailyPedia is created to carry on the very purpose of writing and reading online--- and that is to be connected to the world.

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