
10 Suprising Reasons why sleeping naked is good for you

From losing weight to making more money, here are 10 good reasons why you should throw those cozy flannel pajamas on.

While getting the right amount of sleep at night provides a number of health benefits, sleeping in the nude actually gives you additional benefits.

From losing weight to making more money, here are 10 good reasons why you should throw those cozy flannel pajamas on.

1. It forces you to be on the go.

As absurd as it may seem, sleeping without clothes forces you to be ready to go more often. Sleeping in your pajamas gives you a perfect excuse to stay in your bed the whole weekend and this can lead to a sedentary lifestyle. On the other hand, changing into your regular clothes is quite easier when you sleep naked.

2. It can make you feel more free.

Being naked gives you the freedom from constrictive underwear and tight clothes. It may not seem comfortable at first but sleeping naked makes you feel more free and can even make you feel happier.

3. It could lead to better sleep.

Sleeping naked can take away distractions brought about by your clothes such as drawstrings getting tangled in sheets. As a result, this can give you a better, deeper sleep.

4. It’s good for your skin.

You can lower your chance of getting skin diseases such as athlete’s foot by sleeping naked as it allows your body to breathe. Sleeping in the nude gives your feet, private parts and even armpits a chance to air out.

5. It can help regulate your cortisol.

Your body temperature is kept at optimal ranges when you go commando. As a result, your body can properly produce and regulate cortisol. When your cortisol levels are high, which usually happens when you’re overheated, you tend to crave for bad food, gain weight and experience increased anxiety.

6. It can prevent ageing.

If you sleep in an environment below 70 degrees F ever night, your body can regulates its melatonin and growth hormone levels, chemicals which are essential in preventing ageing.

7. It keeps your sex organs healthy.

Men who sleep naked can expect to have healthy sperm and normal functioning reproductive systems. Meanwhile, women can prevent yeast infections down there if they go commando.

8. It can lead to a more active sex life.

There’s a greater chance of skin-on-skin contact with your partner if you sleep together naked. Of course, this kind of contact pretty much leads to a more active sex life.

9. It actually makes life easier.

When you sleep naked, it means you’ll be washing and putting away less clothes. You’ll also need to change bed sheets less often. That saves you a lot of time and energy.

10. It can save you a few bucks on the electricity bill.

Your level of comfort while sleeping will highly depend on the temperature of your bedroom. In order to have a good sleep, most people in tropical countries like the Philippines, turn on the air conditioner. But instead of spending a few bucks on your electricity bill, why don’t you turn off that air conditioner and sleep without your clothes on.

Written by mmalabanan

Mini is a work-at-home mom from Laguna. Aside from writing, she's passionate about breastfeeding and homeschooling.

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