
Ten Reasons Filipinos should vote for Mar Roxas as the next Philippine president

8) The Roxas-Robredo tandem is running with a three-fold vision for the nation. The first is Freedom from Hunger. The tandem hopes to accomplish this by creating work and livelihood opportunities, which in turn would ensure that a person would be able to take care of his needs and those of his loved ones.

9) Their second aim is Freedom from Fear. They hope to address safety and security issues, such as crime, disease, and disasters. Maintaining safety and security are needed to ensure the country’s continuous progress.

10) Lastly, Roxas wants the Filipino people to have the Freedom to Dream. He promises to end the cycle of poverty where one generation and the next continues to be mired in poverty. He hopes to lay the foundations where a better future for succeeding generations is ensured.

Sources: Mar Roxas Official,; and the official site of the Senate of the Philippines,

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