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Ten Reasons Filipinos should vote for Grace Poe as the next Philippine president

7. Strong-willed

Her very identity as a Filipino has been attacked several times during the campaign period but she remained focused and worked hard towards her goal to serve the Filipinos.

8. Young

She may have the least number of years in public service but her being the youngest among the candidates could mean a new perspective for the country.

9. Compassionate

Despite the unfounded charges thrown against her and her family, she has not been vindictive. She upholds the rule of the law in all cases in a compassionate manner.

10. Unifying

This election resulted in numerous and serious disagreements between Filipinos, political parties. Grace is someone who can unify the Filipinos and inspire them to rise above differences and work on a better Philippines.

Photo Credit: News Asia One
Photo Credit: News Asia One

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