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Man rescues pregnant dog buried alive under pavement

Russia. Three weeks ago, the pavement near a housing unit in the southwestern city of Voronezh collapsed. Workers came to fix the large hole, unaware that a dog had crawled beneath the debris before they sealed it.

After the project was completed, residents living near the area could hear barking. Tracing the sounds, they discovered that it was coming from underneath the pavement.

They immediately called the local housing association, but did not get the support they needed. After two days with no one willing to help and afraid that the dog would not survive any longer without food and water, they carried out a plan to save the dog themselves.

In a documented video of the actual rescue, a man named Vadim Rustam took a hammer and pulled out the bricks one by one.

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via Vadim Rustam YouTube

As he removed the bricks, Vadim saw the dog’s face. He tried pulling the pooch out but realized she was pregnant so he dug deeper until the opening was big enough for the animal’s belly to fit through.

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via Vadim Rustam YouTube

When the canine was finally pulled out, she wagged her tail in excitement.

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via Vadim Rustam YouTube

According to reports, she was taken to a local animal rescue center where she gave birth to healthy puppies. They will be ready for adoption soon.–gvKU0


Featured image via Vadim Rustam YouTube

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