
Rules for Driving: What drivers need to know

6. On hazard light use

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The use of hazard lights is required by passenger vehicles that are stationary on a highway outside of an urban area at night or when the vehicle is not visible from 150 meters distance.

Flicking your hazard lights can also be used to thank other drivers who allow you to overtake them.

7. On texting and driving

Photo from www.ctcak.net600
Photo from www.ctcak.net600

If you can’t understand this, then you probably don’t deserve your license. In driving, nothing is more important than keeping both your eyes on the road and your hands on the steering wheel. Even if you’re in the midst of handling something urgent, all it takes is a few seconds of inattention and you could be in an emergency of your own.

8. On pedestrians

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Pedestrians on crosswalks always have the right of way. Stop your vehicle before the crosswalk even if the traffic light has already changed. Of course, drivers expect mutual respect from pedestrians themselves. Pedestrians must not attempt to cross at an intersection unless motorists have been given a chance to stop.

9. On Four-Way Stop Rules

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A four way stop is an intersection of two roads with “Stop” signs facing each of the four directions. The rule of a four way stop is after a complete stop, drivers wait for any pedestrians to cross and following the order of arrival, drivers take their turns. The driver who has been stopped the longest goes first.

If another driver does not follow these rules, don’t challenge them. Some will just blow through stop signs if they think they can get away with it. Others will unintentionally fail to notice you or other drivers at the intersection. Just keep your cool and follow the signs since you now know better.

10. On night driving

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In relation to using high beam lights, while driving at night, you should be able to see about 12 seconds travelling distance in front of you. Use your high beam headlights and look beyond the part of the road illuminated by your lights.

To reduce glare from other vehicles or lights to the rear, adjust your mirror or use a day-night mirror turned to “night.” Dimming the dash lights will also improve your ability to see the road.

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Written by KM Viray

Government employee from 8 to 5. Writer in between hours. Mom all day everyday.

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