
He Went To The Hospital For A Kidney Operation; But They Cut Off His Penis Instead

Romania – 55-year-old Costica Maroleanu is suing a hospital following his kidney operation that ended up with his penis removed.

The former soldier went to the County Hospital in Buzau because of kidney failure. Maroleanu recalled, that after the operation, which was carried out by Dr Iurie Ciochina, they told him that there were some complications. “Apparently the nurse had not properly fitted a small plastic pipe to help me urinate, and my penis became red and infected. I was moved to intensive care and four days later was moved to the nephrology department where they took a sample, but then they just left me there for 10 days. Eventually they did an operation, but then doctor went on holiday.

Dr Iurie Ciochina source
Dr Iurie Ciochina (surce

He was then brought to Bucharest Military Hospital where he went through physical examinations. But the result shocked the patient when the doctors told him that the only way to save his life was to cut his infected penis.

The hospital said that the foreskin was removed completely and most of his organ’s cells were already dead. “The member was black and the only remaining skin was at the base of the shaft and highly infectious. It was recommended to remove the necrotic elements, meaning amputation,”  they added.

After the operation, Maroleanu said, “It was totally cut off. Now I urinate through an orifice that doctors made between my anus and my testicles. I urinate just like a woman. I’m devastated.”

Today, he is stipulating a £362,450 payment from County Hospital charging them of medical malpractice. Maroleanu said that if they hadn’t messed things up at the beginning, this wouldn’t happen.

Costica Maroleanu (source
Costica Maroleanu (source

However, although he has his reasons to sue the hospital, the head of Romania’s Sexual Association, Nicolae Calomfirescu, said, “I’m not sure he will win by saying he is devastated and has to go to the toilet like a woman. It depends on the patient’s image of himself. If you cut my right hand with me being a surgeon, I will be devastated. If you cut the left hand of a violinist, he will be devastated. But should he be devastated by the loss of his penis? I would say the man needs to be evaluated by a psychologist.”

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