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Next Level Prank: Extreme ‘Chainsaw Killer’

Famous YouTuber VitalyzdTv with over 7 million subscribers has a neat line in hidden camera pranks. Though they received a lot of hate comments about this video, the channel still got high thumbs-up compared with the thumbs-down. The video channel is known for hilarious pranks but they took their latest video prank to the next level.

One comment we’ve picked from the video from Tomas Reynoso says, “You are going too far with this pranks man… You can cause a several trauma to people doing this. I think you have to do other types of pranks, because in countrys like Mexico, Argentina, or Latin America countrys you would be shot, or even killed by the people for doing this, i don’t have any other words to you, i used to think your pranks were so cool, but not now.”

This prank is pretty intense. You would totally die of fright if this happened to you.

Check out the video prank here:

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